Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Italian women - one year after their protests

protests in Italy one year ago

One year ago, more than one million Italian women took part in a demonstration against the sexist portrayal of women during the governing period of Silvio Berlusconi. The former Italian prime minister was involved in some sex scandals and questionable activities with underaged women. Many Italian women think that this portrayal of women at official event, on television and in newspapers created the impression, that especially young women are not more than some kind of dolls hanging on arms of older men. 

Silvio Berlusconi portrayed with two younger women

Now Berlusconi is not governing the country anymore, but he clearly made his point when it comes to women rights and the role of women in society. 
The new technocratic government fortunately presents a different view on those issues, as they claim that one of their main obstacles is to pull Italy into the 21st century when it comes to gender equality. 

The top-ranking woman in Mario Monti's new technocrat government is Elsa Fornero, a former economics professor.
Ms Fornero is not just in charge of the equality agenda, she is also minister of labour and welfare. And Ms Fornero is not the only women who helds a powerful position in this governemt now. Mr Monti has also appointed women to the justice and interior ministries.
But having some women in powerful positions is not enough to change how a big part of the Italian society still sees the 'right place' for the Italian women. As long as the main mass media institution continue to portray women as objects with more or less no ambitions in political, social, or science fields, it will be difficult for the country to overcome their old fashioned picture of women. 
I wish the Italian women, and other females all over the world success with fighting agains politicians like Berlusconi, who damaged the image if half of the population when saying  : 'Ladies, I have a mission for you on election day: cook!'
So, my opinion is, Ladies, our mission is to take part in elections, to vote for parties which will work towards gender equality, and to become active ourselfs and stand up for our rights.


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