Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Nvidia Officially Unveils The World’s Fastest DX 11 GPU – The GeForce GTX 580

All rumors can be put to rest.  Nvidia has officially announced the GTX 580 and RipTen was at the press conference to get all the juicy details on their new flagship GPU.
We all knew it was coming, it was just a matter of when.  Well, “when” is today, and we’re gonna let you in on everything you want to know about this sexy beast.

    First of all, check the specs:

But it is the fastest right?  I mean, there have to be some sweet bar graphs to show just how much faster it is that the competition, right?  Well, you’re in luck:

 But get this, it’s somehow quieter than the GTX 480!!

 Nothing kills frame rates in DX 11 like tessellation and 3D, and nothing on the market handles them both better than the GTX 580:

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