Friday, November 5, 2010

The 6 Secret Reasons You're Struggling with Your Weight

Secret Reason #1: Not Enough Sleep
Sleep may be the last thing on your crazy to-do list, but your body needs it to stay at a healthy weight. That’s because, when you’re sleep-deprived, you reach for unhealthy foods, like sugars and starches, to get a quick energy hit even when you aren’t hungry. Plus you never feel like exercising!

Secret Reason #2: Skipping Breakfast
Skipping breakfast may seem like an easy way to cut back on calories, but eating first thing in the morning gets your metabolism going. Breakfast eaters also feel less hungry all day, so they deal with fewer crazy junk food cravings.
Secret Reason #3: Portion Sizes
These days, food is packaged and served in a way that makes it so easy to overeat. (For example, most restaurant entrees have enough food and calories for not just one, but two meals!) You may need to reprogram your idea of what a healthy serving looks like and really pay attention to your hunger cues so that you stop when you’re full.
Secret Reason #4: Eating While Distracted
Ever start munching away while you’re on the phone with a friend, and before you know it, you’ve finished a whole bag of chips? About 86% of you eat while doing other things, like talking on the phone or watching TV, and this puts you at risk of overeating. Why? Your brain doesn’t hear your stomach saying “I’m full” when it’s focused on something else!
Secret Reason #5: Liquid Calories
Sodas, juices, smoothies, bottled sweet teas you think of them as just drinks, but many have enough calories to be a meal or snack! Plus, since they have tons of sugar, they can spike your hunger and make you eat more all day.
Secret Reason #6: Stress
Yes, food can sometimes distract you when you’re upset or give you a calming feeling when you’re frazzled. But what you don’t realize is that stress amps up your body’s production of a hormone that messes with your metabolism. So if you eat to deal with stress, you’re more likely to store that food as belly fat!

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