Every week, the European community advertise a new opportunity for young european persons and not only.
The website http://europa.eu/youthonthemove/index_en.htm help the young to find opportunities to work and study abroad, besides organize events around the Europe. For more information visit the website.
The website http://ec.europa.eu/education/languages/quiz/index_en.htm promote the day of languages with a nice idea, a language quiz. If you want play, visit the website.
A interesting platform about journalism are born: http://community.ejc.net/ in this website you can found a professional worker of the media and young students of this field.
Five million young Europeans are looking for a job. Many of them will miss opportunities because they lack the right qualifications or experience. Today, the European Commission launches Youth on the Move, a new flagship initiative aimed at helping these young people to gain the knowledge, skills and experience they need to make their first job a reality. Part of the EU’s new Europe 2020 strategy, Youth on the Move proposes 28 key actions aimed at making education and training more relevant to young people's needs and encouraging more of them to take advantage of EU grants to study or train in another country. This will increase young people's employability and access to the labour market.
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2011- A second year of Comenius mobility opportunities for secondary pupils. A stay abroad will offer them a European learning experience, broaden their understanding of the diversity of European cultures and languages and help them acquire the skills they need for their personal development.
Comenius individual pupil mobility, which will allow the pupils to go abroad in the school year 2011/12, is open to schools involved in a Comenius school partnership. In 2011, Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, and Sweden will participate and both the sending and the receiving schools must be in one of these countries. In 2010, around 700 pupils in 13 European countries are taking the opportunity and applied for the participation in this new action. More information: http://ec.europa.eu/education/news/news2517_en.htm
Young Reporters Against Poverty (YRAP) is the first Europe-wide competition for journalism and communication students passionate about development issues.
Submit a written article or short radio broadcast in your native language (one of the 23 official EU languages) on 'EU development assistance' between 20 September and 29 October 2010, for the chance to win one of 33 live reporting spots at this year's European Development Days in Brussels.
More information: http://www.youngreporters.net/
The Scholarship Programme is a 5 week residency taking place every year in July - August in Vienna within the frame of ImPulsTanz festival.
The Programme offers around 65 young professional dancers and choreographers from mainly European but also from non European countries the possibility to take part in an intense multinational further training programme.
The programme focuses on the exchange of ideas and knowledge, not limited by national borders, on concentrated further training, on meeting with internationally renowned artists gathering in Vienna at ImPulsTanz with the aim to orient the career of the participants.
In order to achieve both its educational and artistic goals, the Scholarship Programme is supervised each year by artistic mentors selected amongst dance personalities who have played a decisive part on an international level in the development of contemporary dance in recent years.
The danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2011 will take place from July 13 to August 17, 2011.
The application form can be found here:
The Programme offers around 65 young professional dancers and choreographers from mainly European but also from non European countries the possibility to take part in an intense multinational further training programme.
The programme focuses on the exchange of ideas and knowledge, not limited by national borders, on concentrated further training, on meeting with internationally renowned artists gathering in Vienna at ImPulsTanz with the aim to orient the career of the participants.
In order to achieve both its educational and artistic goals, the Scholarship Programme is supervised each year by artistic mentors selected amongst dance personalities who have played a decisive part on an international level in the development of contemporary dance in recent years.
The danceWEB Scholarship Programme 2011 will take place from July 13 to August 17, 2011.
The application form can be found here:
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